Project Uganda Pineapple and Mango farming

In this project we track production methods to improve sustainability and we develop market channels. We also structure post harvesting implementing processing to make agricultural products more resilient: dehydrating fruit is an effective way to help it last for longer and prevent waste. Procured in a very transparent way, our dry fruits are a nutritious snack that we are committed to offering to international markets.

In this project we are tackling Environmental, Social and Economic challenges to reach sustainability.

Main issues:

  • Increasing negative effects of climate change making it difficult for small farmers to plan and manage their production: Prolonged droughts affecting production and limited access to irrigation.
  • Suboptimal access to capital, technology, and farm inputs.
  • Insufficient capacity in post-harvest handling and quality management for products mean for international markets and lack of sustainable market and fair channels.
  • Limited access to farming credit.


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